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Antioquia Department - Municipalities - Index (Colombia)

Departamento de Antioquia

Last modified: 2024-07-13 by daniel rentería
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Official Flag
by Jaume Ollé'

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Antioquia is administratively organized as follows in order of importance: - 9 Subregiones, or Subregions, according to Ordinance 34 of 2006:

- 1. "Valle de Aburrá" (Aburra [tribe] Valley)
- 2. "Bajo Cauca" (Lower Cauca [river])
- 3. "Magdalena Medio" (Middle Magdalene [river])
- 4. "Nordeste" (Northeast)
- 5. "Norte" (North)
- 6. "Occidente" (West)
- 7. "Oriente" (East)
- 8. "Suroeste" (Southwest)
- 9. "Urabá" (Uraba [tribe])

- 1 Área Metropolitana or Metropolitan Area according to Ordinance 34 of 1980.

- 2 Distritos or Districts, Medellín as "Distrito Especial de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación" or Special Science, Technology and Innovation District, according to Law 2286 of 2023. Turbo is known as "Distrito Portuario, Logístico, Industrial, Turístico y Comercial" or the Port, Logistics, Industrial, Tourist and Commercial District Law 1883 of 2018.

- 6 Provincias or Provinces, full name "Provincia Administrativa y de Planeación, PAP" or Administrative and Planning Province, APP.

- 1. "Del Agua, Bosques y el Turismo" or "Of Water, Forests and Tourism" according to Ordinance 11 of 2018, made up of Alejandría, Cocorná, Concepción, El Peñol, Granada, Guatapé, Marinilla, San Carlos, San Francisco, San Luis, San Rafael, San Vicente Ferrer.
- 2. "Cartama" according to Ordinance 54 of 2016, made up of Caramanta, Fredonia, Jericó, La Pintada, Montebello, Pueblorrico, Santa Bárbara, Támesis, Tarso, Valparaíso, Venecia.
- 3. "La Paz" or The Peace according to Ordinance 6 of 2018, made up of Argelia, La Unión, Nariño Sonsón.
- 4. "Penderisco y Sinifaná", Ordinance 4 of 2018, made up of Amagá, Angelópolis, Anzá, Betulia, Caicedo, Concordia, Titiribí, Urrao.
- 5. "San Juan" or Saint John, according to Ordinance 5 of 2018, made up of Andes, Betania, Ciudad Bolívar, Hispania, Jardín, Salgar.
- 6. "Minero Agroecológica" or Mining Agroecological, according to Ordinance 30 of 2018, made up of Remedios, Segovia, Vegachí, Yalí, Yolombó.

- 125 Municipios or Municipalities.

- 307 Corregimientos or Corregencies

14 have greater autonomy under Juntas Administradoras Locales (Local Administrative Councils), spread across the 9 Subregiones and part of the following Municipalities:
1. San Antonio de Prado (Saint Anthony of Prado) (part of Medellín)
2. San Cristóbal (Saint Christopher (part of Medellín)
3. Hatillo (Bundle) (part of Barbosa)
4. El Manzanillo (The little apple tree) (part of Itagüí)
5. El Brasil (The Brazil) (part of Ebéjico)
6. La Clara (The Clear) (part of Ebéjico)
7. Sevilla (Seville) (part of Ebéjico)
8. Zarzal (Bramble) (part of Ebéjico)
9. Guayabal (the Guava treeline) (part of Ebéjico)
10. Labores (Labors) (part of Belmira)
11. Aguas Claras (Clear waters) (part of El Cármen de Viboral)
12. La Madera (The Wood) (part of El Cármen de Viboral)
13. Alto Grande (Great Hill) (part of El Cármen de Viboral)
14. Comuna Occidental (Western Commune) (part of Rionegro)

Sources: [1], [2], and [3].
Esteban Rivera, 6 June 2024

Index by Provinces

Bajo Cauca Province

Magdalena Medio Province

Nordeste Province

Norte Province

Occidente Province

Oriente Province

Suroeste Province

Urabá Province

Valle de Aburra Metropolitan Area

Index by Alphabetical Order