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Polish military flags

Last modified: 2024-10-05 by rob raeside
Keywords: army | virtuti militari |
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There is also the Gendarmerie (Żandarmeria Wojskowa)

See also:

Flag of the Army

[Flag of the Army] image by Zoltan Horvath, 3 September 2024

This flag is entitled: FLAGA WOJSK LADOWYCH . See also: Flag of the Navy, Air Force and Air Defence Flag,
Jarig Bakker, 4 Sept 2000.

This flag is shown in The World Encyclopedia Of Flags (Znamierowski, p. 83). The insignia is actually a representation of the cap badge. TWEOF shows similar flags for the Polish Navy and Airforce, both red with a representation of the appropriate cap badge. According to TWEOF, all three were adopted in 1993.
Tom Gregg, 23 Apr 2000

Does anyone know how these are used? They don't look like they'd be flown over military installations (and we know Polish AF bases have the airfields flag), and the one for the Navy certainly is neither the ensign nor the jack. So are they parade flags of some kind?
Joe McMillan, 23 Apr 2000

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland (Si?y Zbrojne Rzeczypospoliej Polskiej) consist of three Forces:
- The Land Army (Wojska Lądowe)
- The Air Forces and Air Defence (Wojska Lotnicze i Obrony Powietrznej)
- The Navy (Marynarka Wojenna)
All these Forces have flags, established by Sejm 19 February 1993. These flags (pl^army, pl~navy and pl^air) are neither ensigns nor jacks. They are flown over military units:
- On the holiday of each Force.
- The holiday of Land Army is 12 September - anniversary of King John III Sobieski's victory over Kara Mustafa's Ottoman Turks at Vienna (1683).
I have seen Army Flag flown 12 September 2000, over Stefan Czarnecki Military Academy in Poznan.
Grzegorz Skrukwa, 16 Sept 2000

Flag of the Special Forces

[Flag of the Special Forces] image by Zoltan Horvath, 3 September 2024 

In early 2007. the 4th branch of Polish Armed Forces had been formed: Polish Special Forces (full name: Wojska Specjalne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej). br>In march 2009 their symbols had been adopted: (link to legislature).
To complement polish page at FOTW, please use my image from Wikimedia Commons.
Maciej Borowski, 16 Jul 2009

Territorial Defence Forces

[Flag of the Territorial Defence Forces] image by Zoltan Horvath, 3 September 2024  

Polish People's Army

[Polish People's Army] image by Željko Heimer

James Dignan gets this flag from a stamp marked XXXV-Lecie (35th anniversary) Ludowego Wojska Polskiego. [Ludowe Wojsko Polskie = Polish People's Army i.e. the old communist regime's armed forces].

This pattern is in general use for Polish military units; it would have the name of the unit, and even battles in which it had fought. The pattern is reminiscent of the shape of the medal of the Virtuti Militari order, the highest Polish order for valour, which has (I think) been re-established since the fall of the communist regime. The Virtuti Militari is the same shape as the white parts of the flag together with the ring containing the eagle (Polish national emblem) in the centre.
Robert Czernkowski

AFAIK this flag never existed. It's probably standard design for Polish military units extended by artist who prepared postal stamp. Ludowe Wojsko Polskie was not military units of communist regime but normal military units. Difference between 2nd Polish Army Corps which fought in Italy and LWP units were insignificant. A lot of people imprisoned by Soviets wanted to fight against Nazi, but they were released too late to join General Anderś army. They only could join LWP units and fight on Eastern Front.
Peter 'Mikolaj' Mikolajski, 18 Sept 2000

2nd Polish Army Corps flag

[2nd Polish Army Corps flag] image by Peter 'Mikolaj' Mikolajski, 18 Sept 2000

This design is not correct but was used by units which fought on Eastern Front and is reverted version of normal design.
Peter 'Mikolaj' Mikolajski, 18 Sept 2000

Polish Army Corps flag

[Polish Army Corps flag] image by Peter 'Mikolaj' Mikolajski, 18 Sept 2000

This shows the normal design. Almost always flags had golden laurel or oak crown around eagle. In units which fought on the Western Front almost always was sentence: "Honor i Ojczyzna" [Honour and Fatherland].
Peter 'Mikolaj' Mikolajski, 18 Sept 2000

Flag of a Marshal of Poland

[Flag of a Marshal of Poland] image by Adam Kromer, from his website.

Banner of a Marshal of Poland

[Flag of a Marshal of Poland] image by Thanh-Tâm L?, 5 Jan 1999, after image from this site, reported by Dov Gutterman

Flag of Chief of General Staff of Polish Army

[Flag of Chief of General Staff of Polish Army] image by Adam Kromer, from his website.

General Chief of Staff

[General Chief of Staff] image by Thanh-Tâm L?, 7 Jan 1999, after image from this site, reported by Dov Gutterman.

General's Flag

[General's Flag] image by Adam Kromer, from his website.

General's Flag (uncrowned eagle)

[General's Flag (uncrowned eagle)] image by Adam Kromer, from his website.

Cyberspace Defense Force

Wojska Obrony Cyberprzestrzeni

[Cyberspace Defense Force ] image by Zoltan Horvath, 3 September 2024

Since 2022 there is the Cyberspace Defense Force (Wojska Obrony Cyberprzestrzeni) - It is considered to be a specialized component of the armed forces.
Dave Fowler, 3 September 2024

I found a MOD legislation on symbols Cyberspace Defense Force including its flag, but I haven’t found any picture where this flag is really used: (page 6)

And there is a Polish page in same topic:
Zoltan Horvath, 3 September 2024

Minister of National Defense

[Minister of National Defense] image by Joseph McMillan, 6 Oct 1999, after image from this site, reported by Dov Gutterman.

Minister of National Defense: National ensign in 5:6 proportions with badge in lower center consisting of a white foul anchor and a yellow cannon in saltire.
Joseph McMillan, 6 Oct 1999

In Monitor Polski Nr 14 page 257, that personal flag is drawn in 5 : 8 proportions
Armand Noel du Payrat, 11 Oct 1999

Flag of Department of Defence

[Flag of Department of Defence] image by Adam Kromer, from his website.

Military color of the Communist era

[General Jaruzelski's flag] image from Adam Kromer's site.

I just saw Jaruzelski in the TV. He announced the state of emergency (early 1980s) in Poland. Next to Jaruzelski was a flag, which I assume was the presidential flag of the time:
Divided per saltire, red top and bottom, white on the sides. In the centre a red disc with a golden wreath around the white eagle. I think the flag had a fringe.
Ole Andersen, 8 Nov. 1999

This is a description of a Polish military color of the Communist period. The color now is white with a red cross patty throughout, with a red disk at the center encircled by a golden laurel wreath. On the obverse, the disk is charged with the crowned eagle from the COA; on the reverse the disk is inscribed with the motto "BOG HONOR OJCZYZNA" (God, honor, duty) and the arms of the cross are inscribed with battle honors. The number of the unit is inscribed in each corner inside a wreath.
Joseph McMillan, 8 Nov 1999

"Courrier International" #807, 20 April 2006, publishes a black and white picture (AFP) of the scene, which took place on 13 December 1981. The fringe of the flag is clearly visible.
Jaruzelski's trial for "participation to a criminal organization", here the WRON (Military Council for National Security) shall start soon in Poland. The prosecutor of the Institute for National Memory has released the act of accusation on 31 March 2006. Earlier attempts to try the General failed in 1995 in spite of the set up of a
parliamentary commission in 1991.
Ivan Sache, 20 May 2006

Definitely the Army standard, not presidential flag - there was no president in Poland in 1981!
See the standard at the bottom of this page (the standard of example military unit from the times of the People's Republic of Poland).
Mariusz Borkowski, 20 May 2006

Flag of Chief of Military Police

[Flag of Chief of Military Police] image by Ivan Sarajcic, 16 Aug 2010
adopted 2 Jul 2010

On July 2, 2010, Flag of the Chief of Military Police was adopted.
It was published on the website of Polish Army: The flag is used in Polish Military Police Headquarters and in the office of Chief of MP.
The text says that ratio is 5:6, but picture is somewhere near 3:5. Here is a version from the site, as well as version 5:6.
Ivan Sarajcic, 16 Aug 2010

Flag of Chief of Military Police (5x6)

[Flag of Chief of Military Police (56)] image by Ivan Sarajcic, 16 Aug 2010

New website

Nice array of current military flags at:
David Fowler, 19 Mar 2004

If this website is official, as it appears to be, then it confirms that the Jack's proportions of 5:6 given in the Flaggebuch have be restored (or were never, in fact, changed?) and that any suggest of 1:1 for the current version is incorrect.
Christopher Southworth, 19 Mar 2004

In the Official Gazette (of the Republic of Poland) #83 , item 689, the new decree of the Minister of National Defense of May 4, 2009 about the determination of the signs used in the armed forces of the Republic of Poland was published. The Polish military and Rank flags were officially re-defined.
See please here.
Jens Pattke, 7 Aug 2009

In fact the rank flags of Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral remain unchanged; that of Admrial, previously with three stars, now has four. The three-star flag is now used by the oddly-named rank of Fleet Admiral (admirała floty).
Miles Li, 8 Aug 2009

UN Peacekeeping veterans

[UN Peacekeeping veterans flag]  [UN Peacekeeping veterans badge] images by Marc Pasquin, 9 March 2016

Flags of polish peacekeeping veterans displayed by someone in attendance at the Commemoration of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers in Geneva, 3 june 2014. The flag is UN blue with a silvery white fringe and an emblem in the middle. ration uncertain as the flag was folded so it is presented here in the same ratio as the UN flag we already have.

The emblem is circular and has a white over red field on white is a dark grey polish eagle and the UN emblem. around it in a band are the words "stowarzyszenie kombatantów" above and "misji pokojowych ONZ" below or "association of veterans of UN peacekeeping missions".
Marc Pasquin, 9 March 2016